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Marjory incubated by Area42, the innovation lab created by Credendo, the Belgian export credit insurance agency.

Marjory, a low-code solution for best-in-breed data integrations and workflow automation, has launched a private beta. Kamel Tansaout, CEO of the company, tells GTR that the beta involves a European e-tailer, which currently operates one of the biggest marketplaces in the region, as well as selected service providers.

As trade becomes more platform-based, with new paradigms such as blockchain, which facilitates more open account trade, and 3D printing, which shortens the supply chain, the traditional model of trade insurance risks becoming obsolete. Speaking to GTR in February, Christophe Spoerry, who leads Area42, explained that solutions such as Marjory, while outside of the traditional remit of export credit, will serve as a way for insurers to reach new clients, particularly given the explosive growth in e-commerce in recent years.

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