Privacy Policy

How are your personal data collected, stored, and processed by MARJORY in its capacity as data controller?

Aware of the need to ensure the confidentiality of personal data, MARJORY has decided to formalize the commitments it intends to make regarding the protection of personal data by adopting this privacy policy (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”).
The Privacy Policy applies to all personal data processed by MARJORY when it acts as a data controller.
Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (the "data subject"), such as your first and last name, your postal or email address.I.

Data Controller
MARJORY (hereinafter referred to as "MARJORY" or "we") is a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €10,880,951.00, whose registered office is located at 20 Boulevard Montmartre, 75009 PARIS, and is registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 881 350 243.  
Its telephone number is: [09 73 05 30 11]  
MARJORY’s Data Protection Officer can be reached at the email address:

II. What Are Our Commitments?  
We are committed to processing only the personal data that is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is collected and to retaining it only for as long as necessary for those purposes.  
We are committed to complying with the applicable regulations for all personal data processing activities we undertake. As such, we commit to the following principles:  
- We process your personal data in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner.  
- We collect your personal data for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes and do not process it in a way that is incompatible with those purposes.  
- We ensure that personal data is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed.  
- We make every effort to ensure that personal data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that inaccurate personal data, with regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is deleted or rectified without delay.  
- We retain your personal data in a form that allows for your identification only for as long as necessary for the purposes of the processing.  
- We ensure an appropriate level of security for the personal data we process.These commitments are reflected as follows:  
- We respect your privacy.  
- We ensure that the protection and security of your personal data are at the forefront of our concerns.  
- We do not use your personal data for purposes that have not been disclosed to you.  
- We do not believe that your personal data should be stored indefinitely.  
- We do not sell your personal data to third parties.  
- We work with trusted partners who provide sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of technical and organizational measures, ensuring that our processing activities comply with the requirements of applicable regulations.  
- We respect your rights as a data subject and make every effort to respond to your requests promptly when they are legitimate.

III. Purposes, Retention Periods, and Legal Bases
Your personal data may be processed by authorized personnel at MARJORY for a number of purposes.  
Each of these purposes is associated with a "legal basis," which justifies our processing of the data.  
Your data is also retained for a predetermined period, which depends on the purpose of the processing. This period is expressed as an "active base," which refers to the phase during which your data is actively processed to achieve the purpose described in the table, and as an "intermediate archive," which refers to a state of restricted-access storage.  
Data in this archived state is no longer actively used for the processing purpose but remains stored to fulfill a legal obligation and/or to allow us to defend our rights in court, if necessary.  
The purposes, legal bases, and retention periods are detailed in the table below:

Purpose of Processing Legal Basis Retention Period in Active Database Retention Period in Intermediate Archiving
Management of your user account on our tools Performance of the general terms of use Until your user account is closed, or after 2 years of inactivity 5 years from the date of the account closure
Improvement of our services Our legitimate interest in improving our services For the duration necessary to analyze your data
Management of requests received, particularly via contact forms Our legitimate interest in responding to your requests and inquiries Until the request is processed 5 years from the date of processing of the request
Sending our newsletter Our legitimate interest in informing you about MARJORY's activity Until your request to unsubscribe
Commercial prospecting (commercial solicitations, proposals for paid services, market studies, surveys, opinion polls, contests, etc.) The pursuit of our legitimate interest in expanding our business 3 years following the last contact from you
Retention of login information for security and maintenance purposes Our legitimate interest in ensuring the security of our information systems 1 month from the recording of the data
Management of accounting Our legal obligations regarding accounting During the current fiscal year 10 years from the end of the fiscal year
Management of outstanding payments Our legitimate interest in obtaining payment of our receivables Until the debt is fully paid or until the applicable statute of limitations expires
Management of Customer relationships The contract we have entered into with our client (regarding the personal data of our clients). Our legitimate interest in managing our customer relationships (regarding the personal data of third parties) During the duration of the business relationship 5 years from the end of the commercial relationship
Management of suppliers The contract we have entered into with our supplier During the duration of the business relationship 5 years from the end of the commercial relationship

IV. Who Do We Share Your Data With?
We may transfer and disclose your data to:  
- Any company and/or partner to whom we must transmit your personal data, particularly during events and/or conferences, or other commercial prospecting operations;  
- Any company that submits a consultation or a request for proposals to which we respond, so that this company can contact you for information on how we delivered the service. In this context, we share your contact details (first name, last name, email address, and phone number);  
- Companies conducting business or market studies on our behalf;  
- Our IT service providers, for example, in the context of providing website hosting, software hosting (such as CRM or document exchange platforms), maintenance, etc.;  
- Any company with which we have direct and/or indirect shareholding links (for example, if we undergo a restructuring or acquire other companies or merge with other companies) or any company acquiring all or part of a company with which we have direct and/or indirect shareholding links;  
- Regulators, TRACFIN, judicial authorities, police and gendarmerie services, independent administrative authorities, or dispute resolution bodies, in order to comply with their requests;  
- Any other person involved in a dispute to which we are a party.  
Some of these recipients are located outside the European Union. When this is the case, we rely on the standard contractual clauses of the European Union.

V. What Are Your Rights?  
You have, depending on the circumstances, rights regarding your personal data, including:  
- The right to obtain information about the processing being carried out and the data we hold about you, as well as a copy of this data;  
- The right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time;  
- The right to obtain the rectification of your data;  
- The right to obtain confirmation of whether your personal data is being processed or has ceased to be processed;  
- The right to request the deletion of your data;  
- The right to request that we restrict or oppose the processing of your data.  

You can exercise your rights by contacting our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the email address  
You also have the right to file a complaint with the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL) at the following address: CNIL - 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris - Cedex 07 or through the CNIL website.