Marjory cost-effectively

Marjory vous accompagne à toutes les étapes de votre développement et de votre croissance.
C'est pourquoi nous avons imaginé un pricing évolutif qui se base sur le principe du Pay as you go.
  • Step 1 : Décrivez nous votre environnement.
  • Step 2 : Choisissez l'abonnement adapté à votre besoin.
  • Step 3 : Vous payez tous les mois votre abonnement et ce que vous consommez réellement.

Step 1

Décrivez nous votre environnement
  1. Nombre de sources : Combien d’applications de votre environnement vont émettre de la donnée ?
  2. Nombre de lignes : Combien de lignes par mois ces applications sources vont-elles produire ?
  3. Nombre de flux : Combien de flux vont être déployés ? 
Nous récupérons ces éléments pour calculer le nombre d'execution unit par mois que vous consommerez. 

Si vous n’avez pas ces informations, les experts Marjory vous accompagnent pour un audit global de votre environnement.

Step 2

Choisissez l'abonnement adapté à votre besoin
Free Plan
Unlimited Users
Unlimited workflows
Access to Marjory Standard Apps
Log history
7 days
20 days
30 days
Dedicated CSM
Additional environment
Import & Export des intégrations
Customisation d'extension
API Marjory

Step 3

Nous définissons un pricing adapté et évolutif
Le pricing Marjory fonctionne sur le principe du Pay as you GO
Vous payez donc chaque mois votre consommation réelle d'execution unit (step 1)
ainsi que l'abonnement  mensuel à la plateforme (Step 2).
Estimez votre pricing Marjory

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Marjory ensure data security and availability?

Marjory provides advanced security features like SSO, RBAC, and source control to safeguard your data. With cloud infrastructure and Docker containerization options, Marjory ensures enterprise-level availability and security.

Which data sources are compatible with Marjory?

Marjory offers a wide range of connectors for structured databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL, as well as cloud platforms like Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery. Users can also integrate data through APIs such as GraphQL, providing maximum flexibility for handling information from legacy systems or SaaS applications

How does Marjory enhance data quality?

Marjory uses advanced transformation tools to automate data processing and ensure top-notch quality. Transformations like data filtering, mapping, and optimization help load only accurate and relevant information into your system

Is Marjory's ETL solution user-friendly for non-technical teams?

Marjory leverages advanced transformation tools to automate data processing, ensuring top-quality results. Transformations such as data filtering, mapping, and optimization guarantee that only accurate and relevant information is loaded into your system.

How does Marjory adapt to a company's growing needs?

Marjory is built to scale with your business. With a modular, self-sustaining solution, it allows you to adapt your data integration requirements without incurring high costs, unlike more rigid ETL options. Its cloud infrastructure (AWS, VPC, VPN) ensures both flexibility and scalability

How does Marjory ensure data security and availability?

Marjory provides advanced security features like SSO, RBAC, and source control to safeguard your data. With cloud infrastructure and Docker-based containerization options, Marjory ensures enterprise-grade availability and security

What languages and frameworks are supported for developing workflows?

Marjory supports SQL, JavaScript, and Python, and includes built-in monitoring and testing tools. Whether you're using Apache, an open-source processing system, or custom services, Marjory enables you to quickly develop and integrate tailored workflows.

Does Marjory provide specialized features for handling large data volumes?

Absolutely. Marjory allows for fast processing and analysis of large data volumes through pre-configured logs and metrics, helping optimize your Time To Market. Its cloud architecture ensures performance that meets high workload demands.

What types of companies can benefit from using Marjory?

Marjory is the perfect solution for SMEs with complex integration needs. Whether your company relies on legacy systems or SaaS applications, Marjory streamlines data integration while staying flexible and affordable.

How can I request a demonstration of Marjory's ETL solution?

Get in touch with our experts for a customized demo and see how Marjory can streamline your data management and simplify your integration processes.