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Low Code vs No Code: advantages and disadvantages

Whether it's to develop websites, software, applications or automate business processes, coding needs are increasing in important for companies; even though experienced developers are becoming rare and expensive. In this shortage, Low Code and No Code development platforms are gaining popularity, but not all platforms are equal. In this article, we discuss the difference between Low Code vs No Code, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

What is No Code?

The promise of No Code is to allow anyone to quickly develop digital projects, without having to write lines of code. Through intuitive platforms, with visual interfaces and predefined templates, No Code is aimed at people who are not developers and who do not have knowledge of computer languages or programming. No code platforms allow users to drag and drop elements to configure parameters for their projects.

No Code : the advantages

Although interesting for relatively simple digital projects, No Code quickly shows its limits for more complex projects.

No code: the disadvantages

> A revoir : Webinar - Automation and data: how to ensure mass data integration between your business solutions (French)

What is Low Code?

Like No Code, Low Code is based on a drag-and-drop principle via an intuitive and ergonomic interface. The objective is also to avoid writing manual lines of code, but unlike No Code, Low Code is aimed at a more informed public. Low Code offers developers previously written code bricks to design their applications. Thus, Low Code requires a minimum of programming knowledge, but much less than that needed for traditional development. For this reason, Low Code is an ideal solution for junior developers.

The advantages of Low Code

Speed of development and cost reduction

Low Code was designed to allow developers to quickly create applications and systems without having to spend time writing code. The use of visual and intuitive tools to assemble different elements of the application is beneficial when deadlines are tight, when there is an urgent need to develop an application or for a POC.

A relevant alternative to the developer shortage

The developer market is facing a paradox: companies are struggling to recruit developers, while many young graduates are looking for their first job in this sector; many students are looking for an internship or a work-study program. This is due to the fact that the shortage concerns experienced profiles. Companies are looking for senior profiles, graduates of engineering schools with several years of experience under their belt, while many candidates are joining the workforce with only 6 months of training. In this context, Low Code is particularly interesting, since it is not necessary to have advanced programming skills to take it on.

Increased productivity

Low Code allows developers to focus on creating features and user experience of the application, rather than on writing lines of code. This increases productivity and reduces coding errors!

A way to limit Shadow IT

Shadow IT refers to the use by non-IT personnel of solutions not approved by the IT department. When an employee does not have time to wait for a developer to be available to answer his need, he may indeed be tempted to use a No Code solution to solve his problem alone. This kind of practice poses a security risk for the company. With a Low Code platform, it is possible to fight against this phenomenon since the development can be done very quickly by a junior level profile, typically more available than a senior.

Increased agility

Unlike less agile No Code platforms, Low Code offers great freedom of movement. It is indeed possible to create an MVP in record time and to add the desired functionalities progressively, with a view to scalability. Moreover, the possibilities of customization are multiplied compared to a No Code approach.

A way to bring business and technology together

Finally, Low Code breaks down technical barriers to enable IT and the business to work together more closely. The visual approach of Low Code gives business experts the possibility to easily visualize the processes automated by IT to easily understand how they work, but on the other hand, the technical side can better understand the needs of the business and create specifications in the form of diagrams so that developers understand the expected functionalities.

As a low-code solution designed to simplify complex connections, Marjory offers a range of ready-to-use solutions to easily automate all of your workflows. Our low-code approach can reduce your data integration costs by 70% and accelerate production by 2. Looking for a simple way to automate processes? Talk to one of our experts about your project!