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Retail: 5 steps to follow to create your marketplace

From defining the business model to recruiting sellers, we have identified for you the 5 key steps to create your retail marketplace.

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About the white paper

The French are more and more seduced by the practicality and the profusion of products offered by the marketplace. This enthusiasm was also accentuated at the time of the lockdowns, when online commerce boomed with 112 billion in turnover in the year 2020, according to FEVAD. Marketplaces, on the other hand, grew by 41% in 2021 (four times more than in 2019) and represent 15% of total online sales. This consecration of the marketplace model is the direct consequence of a revolution in e-commerce practices.

To distinguish themselves from market places, retailers adopt different strategies to attract consumers: logistical expertise, a qualitative selection of products, a proliferation of product offers at low prices... There is something for everyone!

Retailer, don't let the retail platformization train pass by.